Important Advices To Protect Yourself And Your Phone From The Excessive Heat!

The high temperature of the phone, especially in the summer, is a common and annoying problem Here are some tips to protect yourself and your phone from the dangers of overheating of a smartphone.

1) When you feel that your phone has overheated during the charging process, unplug the charger immediately from the device and then close the applications that are running, then wait for the device to cool down, by exposing it to the cooling fan for example, and then you can recharge it again but don't forget to monitor its temperature periodically.

2) A common mistake is to leave the phone unintentionally in a place where the temperature is high, such as leaving it inside the car during the summer or exposing it to the sun for a long period of time, of course this will reflect negatively on the device and will leave material losses due to the high temperature of the battery and the rest of the components in general.

Avoid excessive use of applications that require additional effort from the phone and its resources in general, as this will cause the phone to overheat, including the battery.

4) I recommend using an original USB cable and that is approved by the manufacturer of the device you are using, because it will resist to the possible rise in temperature during charging which is not the case when it comes to a non-original cable, because when you are using this one (non-original cable), it will be damaged easily due to the heat, which will cause serious damage for the battery of the phone and the rest of its components, which represents a danger for the human.

5) Avoid as much as possible the excessive use of game applications, as it raises the temperature of the phone quickly, especially in the summer.

6) Do not use the phone while it's in the charger, as this drains the battery power and phone resources, and therfore, raising its temperature to high degrees.

7) Ensure that there are no problems or malfunctions of the phone's battery periodically.

8) Make sure that your phone is equipped with the latest update of the operating system, and also make sure that the applications that you use are up-to-date.

9) Deactivate options that you do not need immediately, such as GPS, Bluetooth, NFC, etc., because that makes the phone use its resources including the battery, and of course raising the temperature.

10) Once you see a beautiful landscape and you start recording it with your phone, you forget that you are maybe in a hot area, which helps to increase the temperature degrees, remember also that using the camera for a long period of time raises the temperature of the phone.

11) Set the screen light to a medium level to protect your eyesthe phone will also avoid fast battery draining and of course.

12) When placing the phone in charging, do not place it in a hot area, and avoid placing it near any inflammable materials or anything that facilitates the outbreak of fire, try to place it in a place that is not closed, place it instead in a room where there is an opened window for example, which will make it avoid the gathering of hot air masses (especially in the summer), which definitely increases the temperature of the device.