The reason and solution of the problem of liking Facebook pages I do not know

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Hello dear visitors and followers of the Computer Tutorials blog. Many Facebook users noticed that they find themselves liking pages they have no idea about, and the problem persists even after changing the password, deactivating the account and reactivating it (according to some comments on the Internet), but they noticed that the problem ends after stopping using Microsoft Edge browser to access their accounts.
In my opinion, this indicates that either there is a vulnerability in Facebook through which some extensions on Edge are able to access users accounts, or that the vulnerability exists in the browser itself, allowing extensions to access accounts. 
I advise users to review the history of their behavior on the site, or what's called the Activity log Via the following link:
This is to ensure that your account is free of any comment, page likes, or any interaction without your knowledge and permission, and I also advise you to use the Chrome browser from Google and not to install any add-on on it that you do not know its source or doubt its true purpose.
Dear readers, for more information, you can review the following topics:

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